Sunday, 15 February 2009

Tips For Better Hair.

Like many girls, I spend hours each week washing, brushing and styling my hair, and like many girls I forever wish I could click my fingers and achieve flawless locks.
Unfortunately, that kind of magic just doesn't exist in our world, what does exists are certain tips and tricks that can help you achieve more desirable hair, and I've collected the best of them.

Shine - After shampooing and conditioning rinse your hair through with cold water. It may not be pleasant, but it boosts all-over shine, especially if done frequently.
-Invest in a shine boosting serum and apply it after washing. Botanics Hair Shine Infusion Serum works well and is inexpensive. Charles Worthington Dream Hair also do a variety of products to increase shine.
Anti-Breakage - Instead of brushing through hair after washing go through it with a wide-tooth comb. You can get these at virtually any supermarket and beauty/drug store. Using one of these help reduce breakage when your hair is at it's most fragile.
Frizz Reducing - Your hairs natural oils can prevent frizz and by washing daily you are stripping your hair of them. If you're a daily washer cut down to every two days and you will see a difference.
-Avoid hair products containing alcohol - these dry out and therefore frizz up your hair.
Volumising - When drying your hair with a hair dryer, tip your head upside down and give your roots a quick blast to give your hair some oomph.
-I've discovered that massaging your scalp during washing can help give your hair a volume boost at the roots.
Prevent Grease - Avoid washing your hair everyday as this can encourage your the sebum producing glands in your scalp to overwork.
-You can condition your hair, but make your you only do the ends, not the roots.

I hope you found these tips useful, for information on products, feel free to leave a comment and I will try and get back to your a.s.a.p.

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